What is the BRM team?

The BRM team is here to bridge ITS and business through strategic relationships, anticipate partner opportunities to transform, promote IT value, and achieve service excellence. Check out the About BRM and Our Services pages for more info on the BRM team and what we can help you with. 

Who is my BRMP Lead?

Each BRMP Lead is responsible for a portfolio of business areas at the college. You can find your BRMP Lead on our Contact Us page.

How long will my request take to be actioned by BRM?

The duration will be dependent on the type and nature of the request. Once BRM conducts discovery on the request, we can give you an estimate. 

What is the difference between the BRM team and the Project Management Office (PMO)?

The BRM team will work on all partner initiatives and once the initiative is approved to be a project, it will be transitioned to the PMO for execution. The BRM team’s mission is to bridge ITS and business through strategic relationships, anticipate partner opportunities to transform, promote IT value, and achieve service excellence while the PMO’s mission is to successfully execute, manage, and complete IT projects that align with business goals.

Should I send my request to BRM or 5555?

If you require operational support or have an incident that requires resolution, please contact 5555@algonquincollege.com. If you require support in any of the outlined BRM Services, contact BRM@algonquincollege.com.

I have a quote to pay but no contract, who do I call?

A contract is an important agreement between the college and the vendor. As the business owner of the software/service you are paying for, you are required to negotiate a contract with the vendor which procurement can assist you with. Once a contract is in place, and part of the overall contract review/signing, an ITS specialist review will be required where the contract will be reviewed and endorsed by the BRM team.

Procurement has requested that BRM perform a Contract Specialist Review. What does that mean?

When purchasing an asset, good or service that has a technology component, the contract must be reviewed by ITS. The request is sent to BRM who facilitates the specialist reviews by respective ITS teams dependent on the contract context. If mitigations are required, BRM works with the partners to develop mitigations that are aligned to by the business risk owner. Once this has been completed, BRM endorses the contract on behalf of ITS.

I have a software license renewal approaching. How much time does BRM need to perform this type of request?

When you have a recurring license renewal, please send BRM a request to review at least two months before the license renewal date and when the purchase order needs to be issued. BRM needs time to determine if a security and privacy review or any other ITS review must be performedA security review is required every three years to ensure that the software conforms to the current security standards

We have software in mind we want to buy to address a business need, do we still need to go through BRM?

One of the services BRM provides is an assessment of the business need and determining the best solution based on various technology and institutional criteria. We will absolutely include the software you have in mind in our options analysis in order to make the best recommendation.  

Procurement requested a BRM endorsement for a new software, what does that mean?

In order for procurement to approve a purchase or renewal of a software, we need to validate that we have conducted the appropriate BRM service to recommend a new IT solution or review the renewal. Once BRM completes the service, will send you an endorsement email that you can attach to the Purchase Order. Please send BRM a request to review at least two months before the purchase order needs to be issued.