IRCC Updates

Last updated 03-13-2025

In November 2024, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) began making policy changes that impact the following groups:

  • Current Algonquin College students and those applying for a second/additional program
  • Individuals holding a study permit that they received when applying to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) other than Algonquin College
  • Individuals holding a work permit or visitor visa who applied for their first program of study
  • Individuals applying to a DLI for their first study permit

Policy Changes

Tools for In-Canada Students

Algonquin College has created a series of tools to assist applicants to programs starting in Winter 2025 onwards who are already inside Canada. This tool will help you understand your study permit requirements and your eligibility for a Post-Graduation Work Permit after future studies, considering the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announcement of new field of study requirements.

Additional Resources:

IRCC Quick Reference Chart
IRCC Policy Frequently Asked Questions

Please read on for further information about your situation. Reference the legend below to understand some of the terms used in the tool below.

DLI: Designated Learning Institution
IRCC: Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada
IEC: International Education Centre (Algonquin College)
SA: International Student Advisor
PGWP: Post-Graduation Work Permit

Post Graduation Work Permit (Eligibility)

The following changes impact international students who held a study permit or submitted their study permit application before November 1, 2024:

  • International students who held a study permit before November 1, 2024, will be exempt from the “Field of study requirement” for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) upon completion of any college, polytechnic or non-university program started before November 1, 2024.
  • International students who submitted a study permit application before November 1, 2024, will be exempt from the “Field of study requirement” for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) upon completion of any college, polytechnic or non-university program named on the Letter of Acceptance used in their study permit application.
  • International students who changed to a program other than the original program named on the Letter of Acceptance used in their study permit application prior to November 1, 2024, will be required to provide additional documentation to support their PGWP application.proof that they changed programs before November 1, 2024 to support their PGWP application.

The following changes impact international applicants who apply for a study permit after October 31, 2024:

  • As of November 1, 2024, students applying for a study permit for a program delivered by a DLI that is a public college will need to graduate from a field of study linked to occupations where there is a long-term labour shortage, as defined by the Government of Canada, to be eligible for a PGWP of up to three years.
    • Students completing a degree program at a college will not be required to meet the field of study required.
  • All students applying for a Post-Graduation Work Permit on or after November 1, 2024, will be required to demonstrate a minimum language proficiency in English or French.
  • Algonquin College PGWP Eligible Programs List: Algonquin College has created a list of Algonquin College programs that meet the IRCC field of study requirements for PGWP eligibility. Students who enter a program that meets the field of study requirement but is later removed from the list of programs meeting this requirement will be able to apply for a PGWP.This list may be subject to change in the future, and we recommend that you check our list regularly.

Note: PGWP applicants must meet all requirements to obtain a work permit after graduation. The Field of Study requirement is only one of a variety of criteria considered. Please view all PGWP eligibility criteria on IRCC’s website. 

Study permit extension on or after November 1, 2024:

  • Current program: Students applying for a study permit extension for the program they were studying in Fall 2024 and who intend to apply for a PGWP after completing that program, are exempt from the field of study requirement3. They will be required to meet all other PGWP eligibility requirements.
  • Second/Additional Program: Students applying for a study permit extension for a second/ additional program after November 1, 2024, will be required to meet the new field of study requirement if intending to combine the duration of both programs for their PGWP. Students must also meet the new language proficiency requirement when applying for their PGWP. They will be required to meet all other PGWP eligibility requirements.
  • Current students may also apply for a PGWP after completion of their first program, even if they are pursuing a second program that does not meet the field of study requirement. Applications for PGWP must be made within 180 days of completing a PGWP-eligible program.

Current students may submit an ‘Ask the IEC’ Help Ticket for PGWP application submission deadlines and other inquiries about these changes.

In-Canada Students Changing Schools (DLI)

Starting November 8, 2024, you must be enrolled in the Designated Learning Institution (DLI) named on your study permit. This means you can no longer change DLI through your IRCC secure account / Webform. To change DLIs, you need to get a new study permit by applying to extend your current one. Find more information on changing schools.

New Study Permit Required

Starting November 8, 2024, you must be enrolled in the DLI named on your study permit. If your study permit contains the name of a DLI other than Algonquin College, you must apply for and receive a new study permit before starting at Algonquin College. You can only start studying at Algonquin College while waiting for a decision on your study permit extension application in specific, exceptional circumstances.

Provincial Attestation Letters (PALs)

Starting January 22, 2024, most international students must include a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) in their study permit application, with some exceptions. Algonquin College will issue PALs to accepted students.

How can you get your PAL? (First Time Applicant)

  • After being accepted, you will need to confirm that the name and date of birth on the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) are correct and match your passport name and date of birth.
  • If there are any errors, notify us in the application portal before fees are paid since the information used on the LOA and PAL must match.
  • You will receive your PAL in the application portal once you have confirmed your seat by paying the tuition fees indicated on your letter of acceptance.
  • If you applied via an agent, they would receive both the LOA and PAL in their Algonquin College application portal.
  • Once you receive a PAL, you must apply for your study permit before the PAL expiry date listed on the letter.
  • The PAL expiry date refers to the last day you can apply and submit your study permit application and NOT the start date of your program.

If you do not require a PAL, the college will ask for proof of PAL exemptions such as your study permit, work permit, proof of relationship, etc.

How can you get your PAL? (Current Student)

ATTENTION: Some current students will be exempted from requiring a PAL. You don’t need a PAL if :

  • You’re inside Canada and applying for a study permit extension at the same DLI and level of study as your current study permit, among other exemptions. Please note: all AC programs – regardless of credential/level – are considered within the same level of study with the potential exception of EAP. EAP students who did not have an academic program named on the original Letter of Acceptance are asked to submit an ‘Ask the IEC’ Help Ticket to confirm next steps.
  • For a complete list of PAL exemptions to find out if you need to provide a PAL with your study permit application visit the IRCC website.
  • Current students who do not meet a PAL exemption, you will require a PAL. You may request a PAL in your application portal in your AC360 account If you cannot access your application portal, send an email to to request your PAL.
  • If you meet a PAL exemption you need to provide proof that you meet this exception if you don’t provide a PAL/TAL with your study permit application. In the PAL upload window in your study permit application, include a letter of explanation with the reasons you are exempt and upload the letter in your study permit extension document checklist. For example, if you are exempt because you are in Canada, you are applying for a study permit extension at the same DLI and level of study as your current study permit, then you can include this reason in your letter.

IRCC Quick Reference Chart

Study permit application or extension

PAL Required

Program Eligible for PGWP

Study permit application before November 1, 2024


All full-time academic programs are eligible for PGWP

Study permit application on or after November 1, 2024


Program must be PGWP eligible

Study permit extension on or after November 1, 2024, for a program started before November 1, 2024


All full-time academic programs started before November 1 are eligible for PGWP

Study permit extension on or after November 1, 2024, with program changes after November 1


Program must be PGWP eligible*

Taking a second academic program at same DLI on or after November 1, 2025


Program must be PGWP eligible*

To transition from EAP to an academic program at the same DLI

EAP students who did not have an academic program named on the original letter of acceptance require a PAL

Program must be PGWP eligible

To change DLI


Program must be PGWP eligible

*To extend studies at Algonquin College if you did not inform IRCC or a DLI change prior to November 2024 and started studying prior to November 2024


All full-time academic programs started before November 1 are eligible for PGWP*

To restore status after study permit expiry


All full-time academic programs started before November 1 are eligible for PGWP

Students who
did not inform IRCC that they changed programs and/or DLI prior to November 1, 2024  shouldsubmit an ‘Ask the IEC’ Help Ticket to discuss additional documentation that may be required for their PGWP application. Students with any immigration-related concerns or inquiries are also encouraged to submit an ‘Ask the IEC’ Help Ticket.

Spousal Open Work Permits (SOWP)

Effective January 21, 2025, only spouses of certain international students and foreign workers will be able to apply for a family work permit. Please refer to the following IRCC website for more information.

IRCC Policy Related Frequently Asked Questions

Note: PGWP applicants must meet all requirements to obtain a work permit after graduation. The Field of Study requirement is only one of a variety of criteria considered. Please view all PGWP eligibility criteria on IRCC’s website.

Change of PGWP Eligibility in the Future

What if I applied for a study permit with a program that is PGWP eligible but by the time I graduate and apply for a PGWP, that program is no longer on the list of PGWP eligible programs. Will I still be eligible to apply for a PGWP?

Study Permit for non-PGWP Eligible Programs

I am accepted to a program that is not eligible for PGWP. Will it be harder for me to obtain a study permit?

High School Student Moving to Post-Secondary

If international students with a valid study permit currently enrolled in high school in Canada get accepted to post-secondary programs before Nov 1, 2024, will they be eligible for PGWP after completing the academic program?

Maintained Status

For study permit extension applicants within the same DLI, can I start my program while waiting for the study permit extension approval? 

Information on this page has been reviewed by Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) and Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIA) in compliance with the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Please be aware that this is not a legal document and information may sometimes change without notice. For the most up-to-date information about Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) please refer to the IRCC website at: or call 1-888-242-2100.

It is the international student’s responsibility to know the rules and regulations that apply to their status in Canada.