Sparta Cat Visit

Spartacat visit

Just like the Ottawa Senators’ Sparta Cat points out, Information Security is everybody’s business.

This is Algonquin College’s information security motto. It means that everyone at the College – whether a student, faculty or staff member, contractor, consultant, partner or volunteer, has a part to play in keeping our information safe, our online electronic identities safe from theft, and our personal identity free from piracy. We all need to work as a team and stay “purrrfect!”

You can make a huge difference everyday by following these practices:

  1. Be aware – keep an eye out for email phishing attacks, malware and system weaknesses and report them if found to (general concerns) and (for phishing emails).

  2. Be informed – Cyber security threats are increasing every day, and this affects not only our work life, but also our home life. One bad case of malware or scareware, or having your portable device stolen can cause you to lose your data, your money and/or your identity. Become aware of the cyber security vulnerabilities, threats, and risks.

  3. Reduce vulnerabilities – Look around your office or home. Are there old hard drives or media that you no longer need? Staff can bring them in and we will securely destroy them. We have tips for students on how to destroy unwanted hard drives. Don’t have a password on your device? Create one today.

  4. Keep your systems secure – this includes your computers, smart phones and especially mobile media such as portable hard drives and USB drives. There are lots of tips on this website to help you, and you can always contact the Information Security Unit for assistance.

  5. Talk it up with others – Discussing information security with others – whether in a class setting, with your peers or colleagues, or with your partners and contractors, is a great way to share information security problems experienced (everyone has!) and safeguarding best practices.

Check out “Sparty’s” web page…