NAME: Trevor Stevado

Trevor Stevado (GPEN, GWAPT, IBM CEH, CSSA) is a Managing Partner & Hacker at Red Canari; an Ottawa-based information security startup that offers highly specialized technical security services to clients in the public and private sector. With over 7 years experience, Trevor specializes in cutting-edge application and network infrastructure security research and has played a pivotal role in securing some of North America’s most critical information systems in the health care, government, defence, and law enforcement industries. As the head of the Red Canari cybersecurity research and development lab, Trevor spends his spare time researching and developing cutting-edge offensive techniques and tools.
Presentation Description: (with Nadeem Douba)
Goto Fail – Hacking the Enterprise: Today’s cyber-landscape is looking grimmer and grimmer. Organizations continue to get compromised – from financial institutions to social media to retail – but why? Is it because organizations don’t have the necessary tools to defend themselves or is it because we are not implementing the correct defences? In this talk we’ll demonstrate how easy it is to breach an enterprise perimeter with nothing more than some good old open source intelligence and automation. We’ll demonstrate how compromising the weakest link (human behaviour) can end up handing your organization’s crown jewels to the enemy. This talk will be highly demo-centric and are based on real life scenarios. Audience participation is highly encouraged!