Name: Solon Angel

Solon Angel PictureChief Strategy Officer, Squanto

Solon has over a decade years of experience in analytics and entreprise software innovation, specifically CAATs, CRM and project management. Solon held various roles at Dell and AMD prior to his time at Neocase Sofware Inc. in the Silicon Valley. Solon’s exposure to diverse technological platforms has placed him in an ideal position to assist organizations in identifying solutions that best fit their business and practices. He was responsible for managing the caseware analytics datacenter line of product. Under his tenure caseware analytics solutions has grown to be used by Supreme Audit organizations and Fortune 500 organizations worldwide. Currently, he is responsible for steering the Squanto business strategy as CSO and co-founder, focusing on building a platform enabling risk professional to respond in real time to any suspicious activity within their organization.

Solon is a registered PMP. He holds a MMsc from the Leonard de Vinci School of Management and a Msc from Carleton University. He is a regular speaker at Rutgers University and a regular sought after speaker on the topic of innovation and technological disruption in accounting technology and presented in various institution such as WCARS

Presentation Details:

We live in an age of rapid evolution and growth. The rise of the sharing economy, the democratization of technology and the opportunities available to make progress in our world keep increasing.

These advancements have also made it much easier than before to commit cyber-enabled fraud. To put it in perspective, the amount of money and resources lost to fraud worldwide last year is estimated at $3.7 trillion USD.

We founded Squanto earlier this year with the mission to prevent and detect fraud.” At Squanto, our goal is to help organizations around the world save time and money by improving their ability to fight fraud.

We use an industry-changing approach for real-time suspicious activity detection by combining years of industry experience with human-centric machine learning technology. Since our start, we have been growing extremely rapidly in terms of resources, backers and potential clients that see the value in our solution and our industry-redefinining approach. We were recently recognized as the winner of the TieCon Canada 2015 Pitchfest which helps confirm we are on to something special.