College Approved Generative AI Tools

The current list of College Approved Generative AI Tools includes:

We are currently in the process of assessing additional Generative AI tools as part of the ITS roadmap and the list above will be updated regularly.

The table below shows the recommended usage of Generative AI tools, both college-offered and publicly available tools, including the level of information classification (initial guidance accessible here: Link) they are approved for use.

GenAI Tools Description Availability Approved information classification levels
College Approved GenAI Tools GenAI tools that have been reviewed and approved by ITS and made available to the College.

The list of college approved GenAI tools is available via this page.

College-offered using Algonquin College login credentials
  • Public
  • Internal
  • Data not containing PII, PHI or PCI.
OpenAI tools (ChatGPT, Dall-e, Sora…) AI chatbot primarily text-based, with additional functionalities for generating content such as images, audio, and videos. Publicly available using personal login credentials
  • Public
Other GenAI Tools Other Generative AI Tools that are publicly available and not approved by ITS. Publicly available using personal login credentials
  • Public

Remember, when considering the use of Generative AI tools, it is expected that employees adhere to the College’s guidelines for institutional use accessible via this link: AC Generative AI Guidelines for Institutional_Use