Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 | Algonquin College, Ottawa

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Stephanie Michele

Stephanie Michele is a seasoned marketing professional who has developed a special formula for marketing based on relationship development. Over 10 years ago, this formula resembled what is now known as social networking. As a pioneer in social media, Stephanie manages social networking plans to help her clients funnel word-of-mouth marketing and create relationships that contributed to their long-term success.

Stephanie has worked with companies such as Match.com, AEG, Sony, Public Storage, Kaiser Permanente and New Balance and serves as the social media strategist for several national public relations, marketing and advertising firms.

In 2009, Stephanie formed SocialBling based on the premise – if today’s social tools allow us to connect with anyone and everyone then businesses and individuals should set goals and connect with exactly who they need to know to make those goals happen.

In 2011, Stephanie became a certified behavior skills analyst knowing with proven certainty the obstacle that many companies and individuals have when trying to understand social media is having no understanding of how behavior affects their success rate. Stephanie uses behavior testing to audit and improve work cultures while simultaneously creating better relationships with clients and target demographic.

Stephanie is committed to sharing her passion for relationship development and strategic connecting,  via consulting, speaking and writing.  Her write-ups regarding social media have gained global recognition and she is currently working on documenting a series of social experiments to both entertain and enlighten people to think differently about social interaction.

Personal Philosophy: “In today’s technical age, communication skills are being practiced less each day leaving us “socially” unfit. Our success and happiness however, still depends on our ability to relate and form relationships.” – Stephanie Michele
To learn more about Stephanie visit her blog at www.socialbling.org

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