Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 | Algonquin College, Ottawa

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Rahul Singh

Recipient of Time's 100 Most Influential People in the World as well as the Canada's Top 40 Under 40, Singh dedicates his life to helping others. A full time paramedic and Founder and Executive Director of GlobalMedic, Singh combines his passion for humanitarian assistance with a frontline emergency perspective by creating GlobalMedic's unique operational mandate of providing disaster relief in the immediate aftermath of a catastrophe.

Singh has personally led over 30 GlobalMedic missions around the world. His tireless efforts have resulted in a globally recognized, innovative and efficient organization. Whether it is earthquakes in Haiti & Pakistan, Flooding in Bangladesh & Indonesia or Capacity Building in Sudan & Cambodia, Singh and his Rapid Response Team of volunteer emergency workers are able to respond within hours, providing victims with essential medical care and clean drinking water.

Singh has also written several articles that have been featured in the Toronto Sun, Toronto Star, Canadian Emergency News, and the Journal of Emergency Medical Services. Singh has been featured in stories covering GlobalMedic's efforts in MacLean's (October 2007), the Toronto Star (May 2003), Canadian Emergency News (June/July 2005), and the Journal of Emergency Medicine (March 2005).

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