Mike Riehm

- Founded Envirobond in 2001
- President and CEO, Envirobond.
(Celebrating its 10 year Anniversary).
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science). University of Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Published Author in 2010 Scientific journal of food, agriculture and environment
- Completed first Marathon in Sept 2009
While doing his degree in Agricultural Science from the University of Guelph, Mike developed the preliminary concepts that are now Envirobond. Completing 2 separate land reclamation research projects for a Gold Mine in El Salvador (one for course credit and one as a paid consultant), Mike started his fascination with using naturally occurring renewable resources to solve common concerns. Devoting his next 10 years to the development of his company, Mike has maintained a key focus on developing his business mind, while maintaining a strong relationship with the GREEN world around him.