Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady was a founding partner of Five Winds International and is now a Senior Associate with the German sustainability consultancy and software firm PE International. For over twenty years Mr. Brady has been advising public and private sector organizations on how to understand and improve their sustainability performance. His diverse experience includes the development of sustainable development strategies and tools for industry, the development of international environmental management and climate change standards, examination of the linkage between competitiveness, eco-efficiency and innovation, and development of policies and programs to promote sustainable consumption and production. He has worked for many Fortune 500 companies in the retail, consumer product, and resource sectors where his current focus is on assisting clients in the development of corporate and product sustainability strategies and implementation plans
Mr. Brady is the author or co-author of numerous reports and books including; Mapping the Journey: Strategies and Action toward sustainable development, Eco-efficiency: Global challenges and opportunities in the 21st Century, Corporate Social Responsibility: Lessons Learned and Eco-efficiency and Materials published by the International Council on Metals and the Environment (now the International Council on Mining and Metals). He was head of Canada’s delegation to ISO on the development of the Life Cycle Assessment series of standards and is a member of the CSA’s Standards Policy Board. He contributed to the WRI/WBCSD technical working group on the development of the recently released carbon footprint protocol for products and has lead and reviewed numerous life cycle studies on products and packaging systems.
He has a B.Sc. Biology from the University of Victoria, and Masters of Environmental Studies from York University, Toronto.