Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 | Algonquin College, Ottawa

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Jason Potts

Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade—President
Sustainable Markets and Responsible Trade Program, IISD—Senior Advisor

Jason has more than 15 years experience in policy research, project management and organizational development in the sustainable development field with a focus on the strategic development of sustainable supply chains. 
His research on the impacts and opportunities associated with eco-labeling and other supply chain sustainability initiatives such as Fairtrade, Organics, Forest Stewardship Council, Rainforest Alliance etc) has been used by global standards bodies, governmental organizations and the private sector including: the Canadian, Swiss, UK, Norwegian, Belgian, US, Chinese and Dutch Governments; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the European Commission (EC); Kraft, Nestle, Cadburys and Citigroup.

For the past 5 years, Jason has led the establishment and management of several global multi-stakeholder sustainability initiatives. He is a the founder, manager and now senior advisor of the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s “Sustainable Markets and Responsible Trade Program”; the founder and coordinator of the joint IISD/UNCTAD Sustainable Commodity Initiative, co-founder of the Sustainable Commodity Assistance Network and co-founder and President of the Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade. 

Jason has common law and civil law degrees from McGill University with a specialization in international trade law.  Previously a Director of Transfair Canada, he is currently a Director of Equiterre and the Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade.  Prior to his roles with IISD and FAST, Jason worked with the International Development Research Center and the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation.

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