Ian Bird
Ian Bird became President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Foundations of Canada in May 2011, taking the next step in a rising career devoted to bringing individuals and organizations together to achieve collective impact.
After reaching his personal athletic goals as a two-time Olympian in field hockey, Bird used his love of sport and sense of public responsibility to support a larger vision of building resilient and inclusive communities.
Over the past decade Bird was instrumental in developing:
- Unprecedented public-private community infrastructure investments and tax reforms to
build local sport - New investments to support Canadian athletes
- A pan-Canadian municipal sport and physical activity policy framework
- Bird is a Fellow of the True Sport Foundation and before that was the senior leader of the Sport Matters Group, where he connected the priorities of large and small sport, community, and philanthropic organizations so they could achieve more together.
Bird also built trust and consensus to create lasting change as the leader of Coaches of Canada
and Motivate Canada.
In 2003, Bird was selected as the recipient of the Bruce Kidd Award as Canada's Athlete Leader
of the Year.
A married father of three children, Bird is from North Vancouver and is based in Chelsea,
Quebec, just outside of Ottawa