Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 | Algonquin College, Ottawa

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David LePage

James Tucker

David LePage has been working within the non-profit sector for over 30 years, including inner city economic development, housing, community media and social enterprise. He is currently Program Manager of Enterprising Non-Profits, enp, a unique collaboration of funders who provide support for social enterprise development; including development grants, marketing opportunities, access to capital, and public policy advocacy.
David is a member of the Social Enterprise Council of Canada, the Policy Council for Canadian Community Economic Development (CCEDNet), a member of the Board of Directors of the Social Enterprise Alliance, a participant in the Social Enterprise World Forum Collaboration and co-chairs a Social Economy Research Committee in the provinces of BC and Alberta.

David is the former CEO of Fast Track to Employment (FTE), a key developer of the Social Purchasing Portal, a relationship framework that creates social value from the purchasing power of the private sector. David served as Vice-President of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters in the US from 1987 through 1995. He has done organizational development and social enterprise development consulting across North America and Internationally.

Enterprising Non-Profits, enp, is a collaboration of nine funders that support the development of social enterprises and creation of a supportive environment for the social enterprise sector. Enp provides technical assistance grants in British Columbia, a website of resources and tools, publishes the Canadian Guide to Social Enterprise, offers a broad spectrum of training and seminars, and contributes to public policy dialogue.

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