
Ready! Set! Go! The Employee Engagement Survey starts today!

What Matters Most to YOU here at work? Tell us by taking the new Employee Engagement Survey, arriving in your email inbox today! The Survey is strictly confidential so don’t hold back — be honest. The survey is available Nov. 26 to Dec. 10.

Here’s how it works:
Metrics@Work will email you a survey link
Click, but don’t share the survey link; it’s unique to each department
Your responses are anonymous and hosted by Metrics@Work

Why should you take the survey?
This is your chance to tell us what matters most to YOU, here at work
To make sure our priorities are aligned with what matters most you
Help shape the future for employees at Algonquin College

Hear more about the survey from President Brulé – watch the video here.

Tips for savvy holiday-season spending

Stretching your holiday budget doesn’t mean you’ll be giving lumps of coal as gifts this holiday season. Smart shoppers have always known that the holiday season doesn’t have to cost a lot in order to be fun. Read more tips for holiday spending from Morneau Shepell here.

NEW-Unified Core Competencies Framework Exploration

An opportunity for employees to come together and provide input into the formation of a unified core competency framework.

Purpose: Working with our employees and union partner(s) to explore and develop a Unified Core Competency Framework for all three of our employee groups (Support Staff, Academic and Administration). Completing this work together will allow us to share in co-created skill sets that centers us on our combined purpose of supporting students.

Why is this work important? It has the potential to impact several areas of HR that are important to Algonquin College employees; recruiting processes, allowing us to hire the right people, with the right skill sets into the right jobs. Performance Management; core competencies will assist employees and managers in understanding expectations, if we know what skills (core competencies) are required in each of jobs, we can then ensure we are able to meet those expectations in order to best serve our students. Additionally, there is impact to our Succession Planning Framework as well as the way we plan and deliver professional development and learning opportunities.

How will we collect data?
Step one: We will collect information focus groups where employees will be invited to share their thoughts and ideas in a group exercise. Everyone’s input will then be collated and shared with the larger group. Individual ideas will be not be identifiable.

Step two: Online survey – the survey will provide those who are unable to attend a session with an opportunity to provide feedback. Employees may use the following link to submit their thoughts: www.algonquincollege.com/employeeengagement/unified-core-competency-exploration-questions/

Please RSVP to 7660@algonquincollege.com for any of the following Focus Group dates:

  • October 29 – 11:00am – 1:00pm – Room C122
  • October 30 – 5:00pm -7:00pm – Room C121
  • November 5 – 12:00pm – 2:00pm – Room C122
  • November 7 – 9:00am – 11am – Room C126

NEW-Balance Newsletter

With one in five Canadians expected to suffer a mental health disorder in his or her lifetime, it is likely that one or more of your co-workers is in recovery. What is it like? Gaining a deeper understanding of recovery is essential when welcoming an employee back to the workplace after a mental health leave. Read more about mental illness in the Workplace here.