
Heartbeat January Newsletter

The new year marks a chance to step back, take stock, and make the changes you need to prioritize your well-being. Don’t forget that your wellness isn’t just about your mental and physical health but includes your financial and social lives as well. Read more in the heartbeat January Newsletter.

Kindmas Cookie Delivery!

Kindess at work was celebrated this week, as our Not Myself Today team delivered cookies to Algonquin College colleagues all over our three campuses!

Kindmas Cookie Delivery! Kindmas Cookie Delivery! Kindmas Cookie Delivery!
Kindmas Cookie Delivery! Kindmas Cookie Delivery! Kindmas Cookie Delivery!




Citizenship Ceremony

Algonquin College hosted it’s first Citizenship Ceremony, in partnership with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and the Institute for Canadian Citizenship.

The College hosted 40 citizenship candidates and their families for the special Citizenship Ceremony. Read more, on MyAC, about the ceremony and the new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy approved by the College!

Check out some of the tweets from today’s event on the Algonquin College Twitter feed.

Citizenship Ceremony Citizenship Ceremony Citizenship Ceremony
Citizenship Ceremony Citizenship Ceremony

Employee Engagement Survey – deadline extension

To ensure every College employee gets a chance to complete the Employee Engagement Survey, we are extending the deadline to Tuesday, December 17 at midnight.

If you have not already done so, please take 10 minutes and complete the survey. Your feedback will help us understand how we can make improvements to our workplace.

Check your email for the survey link that was sent to you on November 26. If you are unable to find it, please email engagement@algonquincollege.com or info@metricsatwork.com and the survey will be sent to you again.

Metrics@Work will confidentially compile responses and provide the College with reports in a summarized, anonymous form.


HR Office Hours – OTFT Academic Hiring

Need help with OTFT Academic hiring, change job, or corrections for the Winter Semester? Drop in to C426 during our HR Office Hours!

  • Thursday, December 5th, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, December 12th, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm