
2015 Christmas Closure

Eagle-Rock-School-Happy-Holidays-2014-300x288The College will officially close for the Christmas Holidays at 12 noon on Thursday, December 24, 2015.

The College re-opens for regular business hours on Monday, January 4, 2016.

Enjoy the upcoming Holiday Season!





Vice President, Human Resources

Coordination of Benefits Claims – Change

The group insurance industry, including Sun Life, is changing the way in which Health and Dental claims are being coordinated going forward.

Effective immediately, the amount of reimbursement under both group insurance plans, under which a claim is being coordinated, will be based on the Reasonable and Customary (R & C) costs as determined by each respective insurer. In most instances, there will be no change in the overall amount being reimbursed. However, depending on the amount billed by a service provider and the R & C amount used by the coordinating insurer (if other than Sun Life), there could be a change in the amount of reimbursement that the plan member receives.

Communiqué from Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology

Long Term Disability (LTD) premium rate adjustment

This is to inform you that the Support Staff Joint Insurance Committee, with the assistance of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, completed a review of the Long Term Disability (LTD) premium rate. The proposed adjustment has been approved by the Management Board of Council on the recommendation of the Support Staff Joint Insurance Committee and the Human Resources Steering Committee, and is effective August 1, 2015 as follows for the Support Staff Group 50834:

  • Current Premium Rate: $1.81 per $100
  • New Premium Rate: $2.90 per $100

Extended Health Care – Delisting Healthcare Service Providers

Our insurer, Sun Life, sometimes finds it necessary to disallow certain healthcare service providers, clinics, facilities or medical suppliers from claims processing and reimbursement in an effort to better protect our plans. When Sun Life delists a provider, they no longer process or pay for claims for services or supplies obtained from that provider. These providers are placed on a Sun Life “delisted providers” list.

List of delisted providers

To view the list, please log in to your password protected site through and select the message for delisted providers. (Ensure pop-ups are enabled) Please note claims or services from these providers will not be reimbursed.

If you do not have online access you will first need to register for it.

How to register for online access

  • Make sure you have your Contract and Member ID numbers
  • Go to and select Register now
  • Select – benefit plans option
  • Complete all of the required information and continue

If you are not allowed to continue at any point in time and all the information you have provided is correct, call the 1-800-361-6212 number for assistance.


We encourage you to check the list periodically so that you don’t unknowingly use a delisted provider, which will result in your claim being declined.

Why delisting a provider is necessary

It is important that only eligible claims are processed and paid. We are all responsible to ensure that our plans are protected and no fraudulent claims get paid.

Communique source: Delisting Healthcare Service Providers

Engagement Survey Results – Now Available

Results - CopyHigh levels of employee engagement signify a healthy organization. The results of this year’s survey show that we are making important strides toward our goal of being one of Canada’s top employers. Impressively, the number of engaged employees has risen from 36% in 2012 to 60% in 2014. A significant accomplishment. Equally, when measured against other post-secondary institutions, Algonquin continues to outperform.

The survey has also identified areas in need of improvement. As we did in 2012, we will be looking for volunteers to serve on a renewed Employee Engagement Tiger Team. Tasked with selecting 2-3 areas for the College to work on, the Tiger Team will meet over the course of the next few months and report back to the College community just prior to the start up in September.

The Engagement Survey Results report is available for viewing. Also, AON Hewitt, the conductor of the survey, has released a presentation of their analysis of the results.

To stay up to date, please visit the Employee Engagement Survey website.