TEDMED_WH_CMYKTEDMED, a merge of the program name “TED” and the term “Medical”, is a community of progressive thinkers and leaders that provide the beginnings of innovative work in the fields of health and medicine. TEDMED 2014 is a series of 9 panels with over 75 speakers from the fields of science, journalism, education, business and technology; the focus of this year is “Unlocking Imagination in Service of Health and Medicine”. These speakers aim to get you thinking differently about their topics in health and medicine, as well as inspire you to take new and unprecedented approaches to your own problems and projects.

Algonquin College is streaming the entire event from September 10th to 12th in the AC Hub, on the 2nd floor of E Building (conveniently above the Starbucks.) You can also “attend” from your own computer, using the affiliate code L13781, although we highly encourage you to join at the Hub! The entire schedule can be found here.

Engage with the TEDMED community by using #TEDMED, and connect with the Algonquin community during these series by using #ACHub and #ACResearch.

Young Professionals Rapido – Sept 24 *update*

Eight presenters, plus Q&A, in 50 minutes? Yes we can!

In this fast paced event, employees from across their College will share their passions, ideas, and thoughts with the Young Professionals crowd. But, there’s a twist! They will have exactly five minutes and 10 PowerPoint slides to get their point across…otherwise, they get the hook!

Bring your lunch and network with your fellow Young Professionals at Algonquin College at this fast paced, exciting learning event! And bring a friend!

Learn more about Young Professionals at Algonquin College – visit www.algonquincollege.com/hr/young-professionals.

Location: T102, Woodroffe Campus –


  • 12 – 12:20 p.m. – Lunch and networking
  • 12:20 – 1:10 p.m. – Presentations
  • 1:10 p.m. – Networking and close

Many thanks to Kelly Harper for volunteering her time to take the photos. Visit her gallery at KellyHarperPhotography.

To review all the slides that were presented by the Rapido presenters, please visit this PDF slide deck.

logo artboards

For more information on Young Professionals, visit our page.

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Accepted!

The Ice Bucket Challenge has literally soaked North America in the last couple of weeks! This great campaign champions increased awareness and funding for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The disease attacks nerve cells and can lead to complete paralysis and death. Average life expectancy is two to five years after diagnosis, according to the ALS Association. The dare sweeping the nation has already raised nearly US$42 million, compared with $2.1 million between July 29 and Aug. 21 last year.

In addition to high-profile individuals getting involved such as Bill Gates, Duane McNair and Gerry Barker , Algonquin College’s Human Resources team has also joined the challenge to raise funds to support ALS.

Human Resources nominates Dean Dave Donaldson, Justin Parker and Lindsay Hinds & his team to continue the domino effect of great spirit and donations!

192.00 was donated by the Human Resources team! To donate to the ALS Association, please visit the ALS website.

Healthy Eating On Campus

At some point everyone tells themselves that they want to eat better, for whatever reason. Eating healthy is part of a long, happy and productive life, so we’re here to help you make better eating decisions on campus.

What does “healthy eating” mean?

Healthy eating means different things to different people. Generally, you are eating healthy if you are eating appropriately for your activity level and if you are eating a balance of the common food groups. Healthy eating does not need to be a radical diet change; there are many small changes that you can make to begin eating healthier step-by-step!

What’s the easiest way to eat healthier?

The easiest way to eat better is to make small changes to your diet; try making one small substitution every week or two and experimenting to see what you like and can make stick! Try one of these as an experiment next week:

  • downloadSwap out white breads for whole or multi-grain (try spinach or tomato grains!)
  • Use lighter sauces and dressings instead of creamier ones (try an Italian or Herbal salad dressing instead of Caesar. Cutting out mayo is also a huge reduction of fat!)
  • For breakfast, eat more fruits, eggs, and whole grains. While muffins or baked goods may have fruit in them, they also have a lot of sugars and fat.
  • Swap sodas for drinks lower in sugar, such as water (add lemon or mint!) or tea. Watch out for juices as many of them secretly hide lots of additives and bad sugars.
  • Avoid pre-packaged snacks and junk food when you’re craving it. Substitute for sweet fruits like watermelon or oranges.
  • Look up vegetarian/vegan recipes even if you aren’t one. They can help you incorporate more non-meat elements to your normal meals.
  • Don’t do it alone! Doing weekly experiments with a friend will help keep you on track. You can also share your experiments on social media – upload photos to Instagram of your healthier eating choices, or join online communities.

The best thing to do is to bring your own food from home; eating on campus means you’re paying for convenience. Convenience foods typically cost more money, and also have additional additives and processed foods. Take a lunch break to make a weekly trip to the Loblaw’s across the street from the College to stock up on fresh fruit and other snacks to keep at your work area.

How can I eat healthier on campus?

You can still make informed eating decisions on campus. Many of the above substitutions are easy to implement at the variety of food offerings the College has to offer. AC Food Services is also very transparent about their nutritional information, which you can find on the Food Services site. Below are a couple of our favourite campus eats.

It’s a Wrap – Turkey Breast on Spinach Wrap

We’ve substituted turkey breast for ham or beef, and spinach wrap instead of white (there’s also multigrain and tomato!) Instead of mayo, we opt for the lighter Italian dressing with some pepper. Finally, we load it up with fresh veggies.

Luigi’s Pizza and Pastas – Linguine with Pesto or Primavera

The pastas are a healthier choice than the pizzas by far. These dishes are chalked with vegetables, and provide a higher fibre and protein intake while cutting back on the sodium. Pasta dishes are heavier in fats and carbs, however they provide a huge boost of energy.

Marketplace – Build-your-own salad

The Marketplace has a station for you to build your own salad, where you can load up on fresh salad greens, vegetables, and chickpeas. Opt for a lighter salad dressing!

Where else can I find information?

We in HR aren’t experts on eating better. We just have a vested interest in the wellbeing of our employees; healthy eating makes you live longer, be sick less, be more productive, and ultimately happier! There are a bunch of resources on campus that you can utilize.

Welcome Cheryl Jensen!

Congratulations and welcome to Algonquin College’s 8th President, Cheryl Jensen. After an intensive 4-month international search, the Board’s Presidential Selection Committee concluded with a diverse individual with over 30 years in the industry. Cheryl is a proven leader who brings a wealth of academic experience to the role of President.

Cheryl comes to the College from Hamilton’s Mohawk College, where she has worked as a professor, dean and vice president. Cheryl holds a Master of Education, Organizational and Administrative Studies from Brock University. She graduated from McMaster University with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Certificate in the Metallurgy of Iron and Steel.

Let us all ensure Cheryl receives the warmest of welcomes with our friendly demeanour and professional decorum.
