Group Insurance Premium Rate Adjustments – Effective February 1, 2018

The Academic and Support Staff Joint Insurance Committees, and the Insured Benefits Subcommittee of the Administrative Consultative Committee have completed their review of the group insurance premium rates. These adjustments are approved by the Management Board of Council on the recommendation of the Joint Insurance Committees and the Human Resources Steering Committee and are in effect February 1, 2018.

Please note the Critical Illness Premiums are NOT changing at this time.

You can view the group insurance premium rate adjustments for each employee group below:

LAUNCH: Support Staff Performance Development Program

We are excited to have launched the new Support Staff Performance Development Program (SSPDP). This program was developed in partnership with your Support colleagues, the Support Staff union and College leadership and reflects current best practices in performance conversations.

This new program is based on competencies, goals and professional development and links how your work contributes to the achievement of the College’s strategic and business plans. To be successful, you need clear expectations, discussions on your performance as well as future potential and career development and coaching. The SSPDP provides this opportunity and must be completed annually.

If you have any questions, please reach out directly to your Human Resources Business Partner.

Sun Life launches “Bright Minds” Plan Member-Insights Community

Sun Life Financial is introducing “BRIGHT MINDS”, a private online insights community made up of Sun Life plan members. This new private online community will allow Sun Life to create an ongoing dialogue with plan members and gain valuable feedback. This in turn will help to improve the experience Sun Life delivers to you and your dependents and commitment to provide the best products and services possible.

What to expect?

  • Beginning April 24th, Sun Life will be sending out an email invitation to plan members who provided their email address to Sun Life encouraging them to join the community.
  • Employees who are interested will opt-in to join the community through the email invitation from Sun Life.
  • Participation is voluntary and plan members can opt-out of the community at any time.
  • Plan members’ participation in the community and any information they share with Sun Life will be treated with the strictest of confidence. Individual responses will not be identified and will be combined with those from other plan members in the community.
  • Community members will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of engaging qualitative and quantitative research studies (through group discussions, forums and surveys) and be entered into periodic draws for prizes to thank them for participating. Members will not be contacted more than twice a month.
  • Community members will be encouraged to contact the Sun Life Client Call Centre should they have any questions or concerns about the online community.

Source: 2017-04-26_Bright Minds plan member community

2017 Summer Hours

In accordance with past practice, the scheduling of summer hours will be at the discretion of management within their respective departments.

Summer hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with 45 minutes for lunch. Summer hours will commence on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 following the Victoria Day weekend; ending on Friday, August 4, 2017.

Changes regarding eligibility of osteopathic providers

Sun Life is committed to protecting our benefits plans by routinely verifying the eligibility of health providers and their affiliated associations.

As part of an ongoing review, Sun Life no longer recognizes services by osteopathic providers registered with the following associations:

  • Ontario Osteopathic and Alternative Medicine Association (OOAMA)
  • Société des Ostéopathes du Québec (SOQ)
  • Society of Osteopaths of Canada (SOC)

This decision is not intended to question individual provider integrity, credibility or professionalism. Rather, the associations do not meet the administrative standards required by Sun Life.

What does this mean to you?

Future claims may no longer be eligible if you are receiving services from an osteopathic provider currently registered with one of the above associations.

Sun Life will provide a grace period for treatments received in 2017, providing your claim is received by Sun Life no later than April 15, 2017. The affected providers have been notified and have the option to register with another osteopathic association approved by Sun Life.

How do I know if this affects me?

Additional communication will be provided to members who have submitted claims from osteopathic providers currently with these associations; however, we recommend that you verify the following information with your current provider:

  • if this directly impacts the eligibility of your claims
  • if your provider will be applying to become registered under an approved association

If you need to find a new osteopathic provider, we encourage you to use a “Provider Search” feature on the Sun Life mobile app.

Please see original communiqué.