Message from President: COVID-19 Update March 18

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

I promised you I would be in touch with updates as necessary and I have more information to share with you today.

Before I do that, I want to thank all of you for the tremendous work you’re doing to keep our College operating through these challenging times. I know you may wonder if your efforts are going unnoticed, but I am receiving daily feedback and compliments about what you are accomplishing and how hard you are working under these unprecedented circumstances. I know our learners are doing their best to keep up with their studies and that our employees have transformed home space into work space — juggling new tasks and demands for the College while simultaneously caring for their families. I want you to know how much your efforts and dedication are appreciated.

The biggest task at hand is still dealing with community efforts to control the spread of COVID-19. For this reason, the College has decided to close building entrances to all regular public access at the Ottawa, Pembroke and Perth Campuses until further notice.

Students are asked not to attend the College unless it is to retrieve personal items or access services that may still be operating on site for a specific purpose.

You can still enter the College in the following locations:

Ottawa Campus: Only the Main Entrances at C Building, E Building (Students Commons) and CA (ACCE) Building are accessible.

Pembroke Campus: Only the South Entrance is accessible from Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Perth Campus: The Main Entrance will remain locked, except for staff who require access to the building.

If you require further information, you may contact the College in the following ways:

Students: Contact your professors/instructors or academic program coordinators.

Students of the International Education Centre: Contact IEC Support at

For general information, updated daily:

These restrictions on access will be lifted as soon as possible. For now, I call on everyone to please respect this temporary inconvenience. I promise that, hopefully in the not-so-distant future, our doors will be open once again, welcoming everyone to our campuses to work, study and connect as freely as possible. Until then, I ask you to keep doing what you’re doing — be safe, be strong and continue caring for each other.


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