Message from the President re: coronavirus

As many of you know, Ottawa Public Health has confirmed the first case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ottawa. With the virus now confirmed in our region, we understand concerns will be heightened within our college community.

Nationally, the Public Health Agency of Canada continues to assess the overall risk to the public as low, and this risk is being assessed continually as new information becomes available.

Just because the risk is low does not mean that we shouldn’t plan for the possibility of changing scenarios related to this situation, and many activities have been going on behind the scenes at the College to ensure we are prepared. We will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments as required.

The frequency of our communications will increase, as needed, as local updates – and their potential implications – become available.

As for the potential impact on Algonquin College, here is what you need to know:

  • Classes: As of now, all classes and activities are proceeding as scheduled. Any decision to suspend face-to-face teaching would be made based on guidance from municipal, provincial and federal public-health agencies, along with information from key stakeholders, such as Colleges Ontario. If the College were ever to suspend face-to-face teaching, it would explore all opportunities to allow our learners to continue their studies.
  • Events: To date, we have not cancelled any major events at the College due to this situation. There are many events planned in the months ahead. The College will make decisions surrounding future events based on the circumstances at the time and with full consideration of guidance from Ottawa Public Health.
  • Resources: The College’s Coronavirus Information website continues to be our most comprehensive resource. It features up-to-date FAQs, links to Public Health Agencies, prevention tips, hygiene best practices, and all related messages from the College.
  • Response: The College has increased the cleaning of common surfaces and the number of sanitizing stations around our campuses, particularly in high-traffic areas, such as washrooms, and around touch-points such as elevator buttons and hand rails. A cross-college coordination committee continues to advise on issues and activities related to the coronavirus. Key personnel across multiple departments – from Facilities Management to Academic Services – are hard at work examining the potential impact the virus could have on our campuses and developing contingency plans. The Algonquin College Leadership Team is also meeting regularly to discuss priorities related to this situation.
  • International Travel: Based on instruction from the Ontario government, and effective immediately, only business-critical out-of-province, and/or international travel requests that adhere to the Government of Canada’s travel health notices will be permitted for our employees. The College’s policy for international travel coincides with the latest advice from Public Health and Global Affairs Canada and the current policy position of the College is that travel to any Level 3 or Level 4 destinations due to COVID-19 AND any other destinations listed by Guard.Me, as uninsurable, will not be approved. At present, travelers should ensure that trip cancellation coverage is available through airlines or otherwise, if it is not provided under their own travel insurance plans. College International Travel policies are continually being assessed to respond to a rapidly changing international landscape.
  • Returning Travelers: As per Ottawa Public Health recommendations, if you are returning from international travel you should self-monitor. While there may be anxiety surrounding the return of travelers to campus, it is important that we ensure that our treatment of returning students and employees coincides with the recommendations of Ottawa Public Health. If you have any concerns about a returning traveler, you should advise your supervisors, who will forward your concerns accordingly and to the appropriate contact.

We are also relying on you, our employees and learners, to help us keep our campuses safe. You can do this by washing your hands frequently with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and covering your coughs or sneezes with a tissue.

Health Canada, Public Health Ontario, and Ottawa Public Health continue to monitor this evolving situation. We will be following guidelines issued by these organizations and watching for any developments that could affect our college community. We are also closely monitoring the decisions made by other post-secondary institutions in places where the virus is more prevalent.

I know many of us may be experiencing increased stress and anxiety. Emotional and Mental Health Supports for students and employees can be found on our website. If you have additional questions about the coronavirus, please send them to or submit them via this submission form.

Finally, and I cannot emphasize this enough, if you are feeling sick at all, please stay home and seek medical attention as required. This is a difficult time for everyone, and increased absences are an unfortunate side effect of this situation. In the spirit of our values — especially Caring — I ask everyone to be patient, understanding, and as flexible as possible as we continue to navigate this uncharted territory. With a solid foundation and great teams guiding our response, I am confident that we will find the right solutions for our College.

As we proceed with day-to-day campus activities, I want to reiterate how important it is to stay informed, take precautions, and continue to respect one another. Again, we will update you via email, social media and our website as new and important information become available.


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