Catastrophic Drug Premiums for Support Staff

Catastrophic Drug Premiums for Support Staff

During the negotiations for the support extension agreement, it was confirmed that catastrophic drug coverage (CDC) would be introduced as a mandatory, employee paid drug coverage plan for out of pocket expenses after $2,500. Such coverage was effective March 1, 2018.

Effective February 1, 2020, support staff employees will begin to see the premium deduction this coverage. The monthly premiums for 2020 are $1.90 (single coverage) and $4.22 (family coverage).

This CDC protects employees from high drug claim costs. As indicated in article 8.1.13 of the Support Staff Collective agreement “Eligible prescription drugs will be reimbursed at the plan coinsurance until an out-of-pocket maximum of $2,500 per person has been reached. Once the annual $2,500 out-of-pocket maximum has been reached, reimbursement of eligible prescription drug expenses will be increased to 100%.


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