New Provider of Travel Assistance Services

Effective October 3, 2016, AZGA Service Canada Inc. (Allianz Global Assistance) will be Sun Life’s new provider for emergency out-of-country and out-of-province travel assistance services. Allianz Global Assistance will replace the current provider, Europ Assistance USA, Inc.

What’s changing?

Allianz Global Assistance will provide all of the same services that you currently receive, including:

  1. Referrals to physicians, pharmacists and medical facilities
  2. Confirmation of coverage and benefits
  3. Facilitation of payments to a hospital or medical provider when possible
  4. Monitoring of the medical situation, particularly if you or a covered dependent is hospitalized
  5. Coordination with the patient’s physician if they may need to move safely to another medical facility or be sent home

There are no changes to your coverage, which includes the services described in your plan for emergency out-of-country and out-of-province travel assistance. Sun Life will be adding Canadian contact numbers for you to call for emergency travel assistance, but all of the current telephone numbers will still remain active.

Communication materials

Council and Sun Life are working to ensure that all relevant communication materials are updated in a timely way; however, you may continue to see references to Europ Assistance as we work on these changes.

You will see updates to and the My Sun Life Mobile app to include the name, logo and mailing address of Allianz Global Assistance and new Canadian contact numbers.

Travel cards

If you intend to travel, please utilize the travel card through the SunLife app (at

Once you have downloaded the app, you will be able to access and download a personalized travel card with the information required for Allianz Global Assistance.


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