TEDMED_WH_CMYKTEDMED, a merge of the program name “TED” and the term “Medical”, is a community of progressive thinkers and leaders that provide the beginnings of innovative work in the fields of health and medicine. TEDMED 2014 is a series of 9 panels with over 75 speakers from the fields of science, journalism, education, business and technology; the focus of this year is “Unlocking Imagination in Service of Health and Medicine”. These speakers aim to get you thinking differently about their topics in health and medicine, as well as inspire you to take new and unprecedented approaches to your own problems and projects.

Algonquin College is streaming the entire event from September 10th to 12th in the AC Hub, on the 2nd floor of E Building (conveniently above the Starbucks.) You can also “attend” from your own computer, using the affiliate code L13781, although we highly encourage you to join at the Hub! The entire schedule can be found here.

Engage with the TEDMED community by using #TEDMED, and connect with the Algonquin community during these series by using #ACHub and #ACResearch.


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