ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Accepted!

The Ice Bucket Challenge has literally soaked North America in the last couple of weeks! This great campaign champions increased awareness and funding for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The disease attacks nerve cells and can lead to complete paralysis and death. Average life expectancy is two to five years after diagnosis, according to the ALS Association. The dare sweeping the nation has already raised nearly US$42 million, compared with $2.1 million between July 29 and Aug. 21 last year.

In addition to high-profile individuals getting involved such as Bill Gates, Duane McNair and Gerry Barker , Algonquin College’s Human Resources team has also joined the challenge to raise funds to support ALS.

Human Resources nominates Dean Dave Donaldson, Justin Parker and Lindsay Hinds & his team to continue the domino effect of great spirit and donations!

192.00 was donated by the Human Resources team! To donate to the ALS Association, please visit the ALS website.


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