Health Services can provide virtually all the services you would expect from a family doctor or medical clinic. Here’s a list of some services provided for students.
Urgent Care (Ottawa)
Health Services, Room C141 (1st floor, C Building)
1385 Woodroffe Ave, Ottawa, ON (Campus map)
Questions? Call 613.727.4723 ext. 7222
When visiting the Urgent Care clinic, you must bring both:
- Your valid provincial Health Card (if you are an international student, bring your Guard.Me insurance number)
- Your valid student AC Card
Emergencies and After Hours Care
Medical Emergencies (24/7)
For cases of medical emergencies at the Ottawa campus, please call Security Services IMMEDIATELY at 613-727-4723 ext. 5000 or call 9-1-1.
We are not equipped to handle these types of emergencies, and if you present yourself to our clinic with life-threatening symptoms, we will have to call 9-1-1. You can save some valuable time if you call Security Services or 9-1-1 immediately.
Non-Emergency Medical Advice
If you require medical advice after-hours, please contact Telehealth Ontario for fast, free, confidential medical advice or information from a Registered Nurse (24/7).
Telehealth Ontario
1-866-797-0000 (toll-free)
1-866-797-0007 (toll-free TTY)
Counselling (24/7)
If you require counselling support after-hours, please contact Good2Talk. They are a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling, information, and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being.
Crisis Support (24/7)
If you require crisis support for mental health, including any concerns regarding your mental health or that of your loved ones please contact:
Crisis Line
1-866-996-0991 (toll-free)
Nearby Clinics
The following walk-in clinics are available near the Ottawa campus (hours and services vary):
Counselling for Health and Nutrition
Our staff are able to provide you with information, guidance and advice on many health topics such as:
- Nutrition
- Stress
- Exercise
- Smoking
- Drugs
- Alcohol
Please contact us to book an appointment by calling 613.727.4723 ext. 7222.
Please note: for academic, career or personal counselling, please see Counselling Services.
Flu Shots
It’s more important than ever to reduce the spread of the flu.
In addition to getting your flu vaccine, you can help stop the spread of the flu and protect yourself and your family by following a few easy steps:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with your arm, not your hand.
- If you are sick, STAY HOME.
- Do not visit hospitalized patients or residents of retirement homes or long-term care homes if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
Learn more about Health Services’ Flu Vaccination Clinic
Pap Tests
You can book your Pap test with a doctor by calling 613-727-4723 ext.7222.
Blood Tests
Blood tests (including confidential HIV testing) are available on-site.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
If you are concerned you might have an STI or would like to speak to a nurse or doctor about this, please contact Health Services at 613-727-4723 ext.7222.
Ottawa Public Health Sexual Health Clinic also offers these services.
Birth Control
Health Services provides information and prescriptions for birth control including NuvaRing, Ortho Evra and certain birth control pills at reduced prices, and emergency contraception such as Plan B.
If you have questions about Birth Control, please contact us!
TB Testing and Immunizations for Program Placements
For all immunizations for placements, you can now call Health Services to book an appointment with a nurse at 613.727.4723 ext. 7222 or come to Health Services Reception in C141 to book an appointment.
Learn more about immunizations for placements
An Entry Immunization Form is required for some programs to protect both you and your clients from disease or illness. The immunization process may take several weeks to several months to complete, depending on your immunization history, so start the process early! Students whose forms are not complete may not be able to participate in the field placements.
Go to the Form Directory
Allergy Injections
Allergy injections are administered according to the instructions and injection schedule provided by your allergist.
Psychiatry Clinic
Algonquin College and The Royal have struck a partnership to provide college students with new mental-health resources. This partnership allows Health Services to provide a Psychiatry Clinic to students who are in need of this support. To access the Psychiatry Clinic, you must first meet with a physician. To learn more about our psychiatry services, or to book an appointment with a Physician, please contact the reception team at 613-727-4723 ext.7222.
For more information about the Psychiatry Clinic, please review this brochure.
Mental Health Nurse
The Mental Health Nurse in Health Services is available to provide short-term support to students who are struggling with mental health concerns. The Mental Health Nurse connects students with College and community mental health resources and provides non-judgmental support to reduce harm and enhance mental wellbeing.
Referrals to the Mental Health Nurse are provided by Health Services, Counselling Services, and the Centre for Accessible Learning. If you have questions about how to access this service, contact us at 613.727.4723 ext. 7222.
Doctor Appointments
If you need to meet with a doctor, please book an appointment by calling 613-727-4723 ext.7222
Please see our appointments page for details.