About Our Services

Health Services can provide virtually all the services you would expect from a family doctor or medical clinic. Here’s a list of some services provided for students.

Urgent Care (Ottawa)


Health Services, Room C141 (1st floor, C Building)
1385 Woodroffe Ave, Ottawa, ON (Campus map)

Questions? Call 613.727.4723 ext. 7222

When visiting the Urgent Care clinic, you must bring both:

  • Your valid provincial Health Card (if you are an international student, bring your Guard.Me insurance number)
  • Your valid student AC Card

Emergencies and After Hours Care

Counselling for Health and Nutrition

Flu Shots

Pap Tests

Blood Tests

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

Birth Control

TB Testing and Immunizations for Program Placements

Allergy Injections

Psychiatry Clinic

Mental Health Nurse

Doctor Appointments

If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, please see additional on-campus wellness services or contact us.