Health Promotion Team

Health Promotion Team

Health Promotion is a service that aims to engage students in improving health and wellness across the Algonquin College community. The team is composed of a Health Promotion & Education Coordinator, Student Health Promoters, and Placement Students.

Health Promoters are a group of students who are passionate about promoting a healthy, balanced lifestyle among their peers. They share information, tools, and resources for healthy living through a variety of events and outreach activities in Residence and around the Ottawa campus.

Health Promotion invites students from many different disciplines to participate in placements, which provide opportunities to be involved in research, program development, training, and delivery of Health Promotion initiatives. If you are interested in a placement opportunity, please consult with your placement co-ordinator to contact us for more information.

If you have questions or would like to learn more please contact the team at:

Learn more about Health Promotion at Algonquin College. Please note, due to COVID-19, the on-campus events are currently on hold. Virtual events be found in the Student Support Services events calendar.

Health Promoters

Health Promoters are a group of students who are passionate about promoting a healthy, balanced lifestyle among their peers. They share information, tools, and resources for healthy living through a variety of events and outreach activities in Residence and around the Ottawa campus.


For upcoming events, visit the Student Support Services event calendar.

Student doing yogaLunchtime Yoga

Students and employees are invited to take part in free yoga on campus. Mats, blocks, and straps will be provided, or you can bring your own. No experience necessary.

AC Purple Couch

Group at the Purple Couch during Mental Illness Awareness Week

The AC Purple Couch™ promotes mental health awareness among students and presents valuable mental health resources to support students and foster success throughout their college experience.

AC Project Lighthouse

AC Project Lighthouse aims to shine a light on the topic of sexual violence and help you navigate Group of Project Lighthouse representativeshealthy sexual relationships. Through compassion, education, and awareness, this initiative aims to reduce sexual violence at Algonquin College and support survivors of sexual violence.

AC Umbrella Project

Umbrella Project representative speaking to a student at a College event

The AC Umbrella Project is creating a safer space on campus to discuss how the use of alcohol and other drugs impact students’ lives and focuses on helping students reduce any problematic effects they may experience. The Umbrella Project provides training, workshops, education, awareness, and support services for students and staff.

Knit ‘n’ Knatter

Knitting suppliesKnit ‘n’ Knatter is a mental health/wellness knitting group that takes place once a week in the Spiritual Centre. This fun event provides an opportunity to socialize while learning a new skill that also has health benefits.

Nutrition Around the World

Nutrition and taste finally put away their differences! Encouraging healthy eating, active living and health promotion, join Health Services in partnership with Food Services to travel around the world virtually and enjoy cooking with Algonquin College Executive Chef Russell Weir. Click the Nutrition Around the World tab to watch the event recordings!

Student Placements

Health promotion representative staffing a booth with informational materials

Health Promotion invites students from many different disciplines to participate in placements, which provide opportunities to be involved in research, program development, training, and delivery of Health Promotion initiatives. If you are interested in a placement opportunity, please consult with your placement co-ordinator to contact us for more information.

Mental Health Minutes

Each day during Mental Health Awareness Week, we shared a Mental Health Minute! Watch them below.

Self-Care • Monday, January 24

Today’s topic for our Mental Health Minute is self-care. Watch for some extra information about self-care and how it’s connected to your mental health!

To learn more, click here.

Toxic Positivity • Tuesday, January 25

Today’s topic for our Mental Health Minute is toxic positivity. Here is some more information about toxic positivity.

To learn more, click here.

Peer Support • Wednesday, January 26

Today’s topic for Mental Health Minute is peer support services at Algonquin College.

Here is a list of the services mentioned:

Nutrition and Mental Health • Thursday, January 27

Today’s topic for our Mental Health Minute is food! Here are some tips and facts about nutrition and mental health!

To learn more, please click here.

Sleep and Mental Health • Friday, January 28

Today’s topic for Mental Health Minute is sleep! Here are some tips and tricks to get a better sleep!

To learn more, please click here.