MODULE ONE: Coaching Versus Mentoring

OVERVIEW: Preceptor Education >> Module One >> Coaching Versus Mentoring

Students will spend majority of their time under the guidance of a preceptor in order to develop their skills, increase their clinical knowledge and assist in integrating both skill and knowledge during their clinical placement. This is accomplished through various methods and strategies. The two most commonly utilized are coaching, and mentoring, each unique in purpose and are often combined to achieve goals and, ultimately, a positive learning outcome.

Coaching Mentoring
  • Short-term goals and focused on specific areas/issues of growth.
  • Long term goal with a broader view for professional growth
  • Relationship has a specified duration
  • Ongoing relationship that lasts a long period of time.
  • Structured meeting format with routine scheduling
  • Meetings can be informal – guidance available as needed.
  • Agenda is focused on achieving immediate goals with a clear linkage with performance
  • Agenda is set by the student, while mentor provides support and guidance with clear links to professional issues.
  • “Performance” driven training
  • “Career” driven training.


>> Progression From Novice to Expert