MODULE TWO: Debriefing

OVERVIEW: Preceptor Education >> Module Two >> Debriefing

Debriefing sessions are generally characterized as informal and interactive opportunities that offer/collect feedback, exchange knowledge and understanding with a partnership. It is also utilized as follow-up to a performance to assess whether clinical objectives have been met and to address accountability in performance. It is also a process whereby the healthcare team re-examines the clinical encounter to foster development of clinical reasoning, critical thinking, judgment skills, and communication through a reflective learning process.

Debriefing sessions evaluate performance, not performer

Debriefing provides an opportunity for the clinical educator and student to:

  • Address something that has happened.
    “What went well?”
  • Revisit and evaluate the actions that contributed to the experience.
    “What should we do differently to improve next time?”
  • Arrive at an understanding concerning the meaning of the experience.
    “Did we have everything we needed to do our job?”


>> Comparing Feedback and Debriefing