MODULE THREE: Substandard Performance

OVERVIEW: Preceptor Education >> Module Three >> Substandard Performance

Why do students stumble with meeting their requirements?

There are many reasons for a student to stumble along their way to their successful completion of program requirements. Identifying and deciding what to do next can be tricky but should be approached in a manner that is insightful and understanding. Above all, remember that you do not need to deal with this alone. The clinical coordinator will take the lead role in assisting the student and you. If the circumstance changes toward a direction where the learner is faltering or failing, the program liaison will assist the clinical coordinator and student. Optimally, the success of the student is the goal and every person and resource is utilized at any stage of their learning.

Common Problems and Solutions Encountered:

Narrowing down to the Problem

  • What is it? Cognitive or Behaviour?
  • Whose problem is it?
  • When did you decide it was a problem?
  • How did you make this decision?

Cognitive Problem

  • Weak knowledge base
  • Underdeveloped clinical skills
  • Difficulty problem solving
  • Difficulty organizing information

Behaviour/Professional Problems

  • Poor motivation
  • Negative attitude
  • Overconfidence
  • Anxiety or lack of confidence

Talk to other members of the team

  • Observe student in different situations
  • Review and discuss student’s cases
  • Talk to the student

What Information to collect

  • Preceptor/other team members perception, feeling, expectations and assumptions
  • Student’s previous placement performance
  • Student’s strengths and weaknesses in knowledge base, attitudes and skills
  • Student’s relevant life history
  • Student’s perception of problem
  • Detailed description of problem

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