
Theme 4: Personal Understanding

Rationale: Becoming the fully functional, integrated persons necessary to achieve vocational and financial success requires due attention to our physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual, and spiritual health. The long road to personhood can be a bumpy one without roadmaps through the various social systems and institutions that take us safely from early adulthood to retirement.

Content: Courses in this area focus on understanding one’s personal development, economic function, social life, place in the environment and universe, challenges and opportunities, setbacks and success, and meaning and purpose. Courses facilitating the study of human social behaviour systematically allow students to understand how individuals can function and succeed in a variety of contexts. The following Objectives define the general learning outcomes of courses in the Personal Understanding General Education Theme:

Theme Objectives:

Placing Ourselves

  1. Explore individual development, economic function, social life, place in the environment and universe, challenges and opportunities, setbacks and success, and meaning and purpose.
  2. Consider human social behaviour systematically.
  3. Explain how individuals may navigate various social systems and institutions to become integrated physiological and psychological entities.

Finding Our Potential Selves

  1. Compare individual functioning and success in a variety of institutional contexts (e.g., educational, vocational, commercial, recreational, nuptial, familial, etc.).
  2. Analyze the ideal of being fully functioning persons vocationally, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, sexually, and spiritually.


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