
Theme 1: Arts in Society

Rationale: Your capacity to recognize and evaluate artistic and creative achievements is useful in many aspects of life. Since artistic expression is a fundamental human activity that both reflects and anticipates developments in culture at large, its study enhances your cultural understanding and self-awareness.

Content: Courses in this theme group lead to an understanding of the importance of visual and creative arts in human affairs, of artists’ and writers’ perceptions of the world, and the means by which those perceptions are translated into visual, auditory, performance, literary, and other art forms. They also provide an appreciation of the aesthetic values used in examining works of art and possibly a direct experience in expressing perceptions artistically. The following Objectives define the general learning outcomes of courses in the Arts in Society General Education Theme:

Theme Objectives:

Art Itself

  1. Explore artists’ and writers’ perceptions of the world.
  2. Discuss the aesthetic values used in examining works of art.
  3. Evaluate artistic and creative achievements.

Social Context

  1. Explain how artistic expression is a fundamental human activity.
  2. Describe how art both reflects and anticipates developments in culture at large.
  3. Evaluate the importance of visual and creative arts in human affairs.


  1. Explain how art produces meaning and affects audiences.
  2. Analyse how artistic perceptions of the world and human affairs are translated into artistic expression in various media.
  3. Evaluate art in relation to personal and cultural self-awareness.


  1. Express personal perceptions in an artistic medium


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