Fuel for Finals

With finals approaching, it is important to ensure you can stay focused during the last stretch of the semester.

What does nutrition have to do with finals?

Ensuring you are meeting your daily nutrition needs can improve focus and attention spans during study time.

Quick nutrition tips during finals:

  • Have a well-balanced meal before an exam to ensure you are satiated and can focus.
  • When we are hungry it is difficult to think of anything other than food
  • For more information regarding a well-balanced meal please visit the “Build a Meal” post
  • Bring some snacks for your study sessions so you can refuel your mind during those long sessions.
  • Well-balanced snacks include protein and carbohydrates– when a snack includes more than 1 food group, it will provide energy that will last longer than 30 minutes.

Examples include:

  • Cheese and crackers
  • Vegetables and hummus
  • Nuts and cheese
  • Popcorn and nuts or beef jerky
  • Fruit and Greek yogurt
  • Fruit with any nut butter
  • Cookie and milk
  • Muffin and yogurt

Finally, do not forget the various roles of food – remember that going out for a meal with friends or getting your favourite snack or dessert, and taking some time to engage in the role of food for emotions, can support stress reduction during stressful times.



**Disclaimer: blog posts are not meant to replace medical advice. If you have a personal medical condition please consult with the appropriate provider**


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