Roles of Food in Life

There are multiple roles that food can play in one’s life. It is important to remember that a healthy relationship with food includes all these roles and all of them are supportive of one’s health.

When we focus too much on one role over the other, we can set ourselves up for a variety of unintentional struggles.

Food supports physical hunger or energy…

  • The most common role that people engage with and are aware of.
  • This is the everyday stomach growling role that keeps us alive and functioning.

Food supports cultural or religious expression…

  • Every culture is different, and some have guidelines on how our relationship with food can bring those who observe closer to the divine.
  • Examples include but are not limited to Judaism (Kosher), Islam (Halal), Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Seventh Day Adventists, and Mormonism.
  • Food intake can vary from vegetarianism to omittance of certain foods based on ideals of purity, and even includes periods of fasting

Food supports social connection…

  • Have you ever been on a budget and felt this disconnected you from being able to go out with friends? This can be because even though sitting down for a meal can initially be for physical hunger, we can choose to sit with friends and family, which leads to social connection, talking, and laughing during the meal.
  • The great news is that we do not always have to go out to restaurants to tap into this role – we can host a potluck dinner party or plan a snack with friends and bring food from home to support a budget.

Food supports emotional needs…

  • This role is most often demonized and avoided.
  • As is with everything – moderation is important – AND food for emotional support at times can be the best support

Examples include:

    • Being sad and going out for ice cream with a friend (ice cream and friend for emotional and social support during a rough time!)
    • You lost a loved one and during the grief process, eating that person’s favourite meal reminds you of their presence
    • Being homesick and having your favourite childhood snack to bring you back home (emotionally)
    • My favorite comfort food– Pop-tarts! Especially on those mornings when waking up feels impossible

These are just a few examples where the food you choose to eat can help with emotions and not just physical hunger – And if we are being honest an apple during the tough times may not cut it!

Food supports family traditions…

  • Think birthday cakes, pies, sweets, and meals
  • What does a holiday meal entail for your family – this looks different in one way or another from a friends’ family holiday meal.

Food because it looks good – and for taste!

  • Have you ever walked past a food display and thought “that looks delicious” and even though you just ate, you now want to eat again because something is aesthetically pleasing and for taste.
  • This is also a role of food and can be supportive of your health – this role supports body trust and allowing food freedom to avoid the harmful effects of food restriction.


**Disclaimer: blog posts are not meant to replace medical advice. If you have a personal medical condition please consult with the appropriate provider**


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