Goodness of Grains


Grains are comprised of carbohydrates and are a good source of B vitamins. Both of which play a vital role in energy metabolism. Additionally, whole grains provide fiber, which improves GI health and bowel movements.

Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source for brain function – Fun fact, to efficiently function, the average person needs around 130 grams of carbs per day JUST for the brain! An optimal amount of carbohydrates is 45-65% of the total calories consumed per day.

Two categories – Simple (Refined) and Complex (Whole)

Another way to understand Simple versus Complex carbohydrates is white/refined versus whole grains.

  • Simple Carbohydrates (White/Refined Grains) are simple sugars – This provides an immediate source of energy to the body.
    • Ex. Cake, French fries, White bread, Chips, Doughnuts
  • Complex Carbohydrates (Whole grains) include starches and fiber – This provides a slower release of energy to the body, leading to more sustainable energy.
    • Ex. Beans, Rice, Quinoa, Barley, Whole grain bread, Couscous, Noodles, Oats

Sugar, starch, and fibre are naturally occurring in food. Sugars and Starch are converted into glucose in the body, absorbed, and used for energy. Fibre cannot be absorbed by the body, therefore slowing the digestion of sugar, leading to longer-lasting energy after a meal.

To support sustainable energy, optimal GI health, and bowel function – try to make half your daily grains whole.

**Disclaimer: blog posts are not meant to replace medical advice. If you have a personal medical condition, please consult with the appropriate provider**


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