The Institution-Funded Special Bursary Program (ISBP) offers financial assistance for educational costs to pursue a postsecondary program for the first time. ISBP is awarded (up to $2780 per academic year) to students in financial need enrolled in Academic Upgrading, Academic Access Centre.

If you have additional education-related expenses for services and equipment resulting from a disability, you may be eligible for a Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD). For further information, contact the Algonquin College Centre for Accessible Learning.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You must be pursuing Academic Upgrading (AU).
  • You must be a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person/Convention Refugee within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) prior to the application deadline date.
  • You must demonstrate a financial need.
  • You must not receive other student financial assistance during your study period (OSAP, Second Career or Out-of-Province funding).
  • Ontario Works/ODSP recipients are not eligible for book allowances.


  • Your Social Insurance Number must be included as part of this online application. Please log on to your ACSIS account and enter your SIN prior to applying.
  • As part of the application, you will be required to upload an electronic copy of required supporting documentation. Have electronic copies of your required documents ready BEFORE you start the application.
  • Once your application is assessed you will receive an email notification of the decision.


The application and supporting documents for Academic Upgrading must be received no later than 2 weeks after your course start date.

Supporting Documentation Requirements

Have these documents ready for upload BEFORE you start the application. Supporting documents must be in English or French. If they are in a foreign language, we require an electronic copy of the original document and an official translation in English or French.

Proof of Citizenship Status
Canadian Citizen: No documentation required.
Permanent Resident: You must provide an electronic copy of your Canada Immigration Record or a photocopy of the front and back of your Permanent Resident Card.
Protected Person or Convention Refugee: You must provide an electronic copy of one of the following:
– Protected Persons Status document OR
– Verification of Status document OR
– Notice of Decision document

Marital Status
Single: No documentation required.
Married: Electronic copy of your marriage certificate or a jointly-signed legal affidavit.
Common-law: Electronic copy of a jointly-signed legal affidavit.
Separated: Electronic copy of your legal separation agreement or court order, or a legal affidavit.
Divorced: Electronic copy of your divorce judgment, court order or a legal affidavit.
Sole-support/Widowed with children: Electronic copy of a legal affidavit confirming that you are a sole-support parent or widow(er).

For the purposes of the ISBP, a common-law relationship exists when:
– You have cohabitated continuously for a period of at least 3 years OR
– You are in a relationship of some permanence and are the natural or adoptive parents of a child.

Dependent Children (If applicable)

For the purposes of the ISBP, a dependent child is when:
– The child is under 18 years of age and living with you for 50% or more of your study period OR
– The child is over 18 years old and is living with you for 50% or more of your study period and is a full-time student in high school or post-secondary OR
– The child has a disability and is wholly dependent on you (and your spouse, if applicable).

No dependent children: No documentation required.
Dependent children: You must provide an electronic copy of one of the following for each dependent child:
– Birth Certificate OR
– Passport OR
– Permanent Residence card

Applicant Income

All applicants must submit their Notice of Assessment (NOA) for 2023 with the exception of students who did not reside in Canada during 2023. If you did not live in Canada during 2023, please submit proof of current income, dated within 90 days of the start of classes. NOTE: Your T1 General or T4 cannot be accepted as proof of income.

Spouse Income (If applicable)

All applicants must submit their spouse’s Notice of Assessment (NOA) for 2023. If your spouse did not live in Canada for 2023, please submit proof of their current income, dated within 90 days of the start of classes.

Proceed to Application