Language Institute

Contact information:
Financial Aid and Student Awards

Please note that the below Language Institute awards and scholarships are not open to self-nomination.


Most scholarships have no application process. The selection is completed by Financial Aid and Student Awards in recognition of academic excellence.


Some awards have an application process. For those with an application, details on the application and submission deadline can be found in the Award description. The selection is completed by the Academic Departments in recognition of academic excellence and extracurricular activities, such as volunteerism and leadership.
*Additional award criteria may apply.


Contact information:
Dmitri Priven, Program Coordinator
Teachers of English as a Second/Foreign Language
613-727-4723, ext.5017

Chun-Hoo Chiu Memorial Award

Awarded to a graduating part-time student in the Teachers of English as a Second/Foreign Language program in recognition of academic excellence, contribution to the program, a positive attitude towards professionalism, and extracurricular activities.

TES/FL Achievement Award

Awarded to a graduating full-time student in the Teachers of English as a Second/Foreign Language program in recognition of academic excellence and participation in practical and volunteering activities related to the program of study.

Language Institute and Part-time Studies – Bursaries