Tuition and Fees Estimator for Full-time Programs

Investing in your education is one of the most important things you can do. How much will a program at Algonquin cost? Customize your search criteria to see the estimated full-time tuition and compulsory ancillary fees by program. Your estimate will show tuition, compulsory ancillary fees and U-Pass (transit pass). Learning resources (ex. textbooks) and living costs (ex. housing/residence, food, etc) are not included.

Please note the following fees are not included in the Estimator:

No program details found.


*Program tuition and fees may differ from what is displayed based on student-specific course loads and level of study. Ancillary fees are reviewed on an annual basis and any changes are approved by the College’s Board of Governors.

**Please note:
The health plan fee
(charged to Canadian citizens or permanent residents) is listed here only in the first semester – but is actually charged once per academic year. For more information on the International Health Plan Fee please visit the International Student Fees page.