Summary of Feedback from Employee Engagement Open Forum

As part of the College’s efforts to make Algonquin an even greater place to work, the Open Forum was a follow up to over 20 departmental and school dialogue sessions held across the College to discuss the results of Algonquin’s 2012 Employee Engagement Survey. At these dialogue sessions, employees were asked to identify their top three employee engagement priorities for 2012-13. The top three priorities identified were;

  1. Increasing Communications
  2. Celebrating Success/Employee Recognition/Dealing with Low Performers
  3. Streamlining Internal Processes

Employees attending the May 28 Employee Engagement Open Forum were then asked to break into groups to discuss each priority in more detail, ultimately drafting a set of recommendations for consideration by the College. Feedback collected at the May 28 Employee Engagement Open Forum has now been summarized and is available via the links below.

Group 1: Communication
Group 2: Celebrating Success/Employee Recognition/Dealing with Low Performers
Group 3: Streamlining Internal Processes

Next steps
A second Open Forum is now planned for Tuesday, August 20 from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Marketplace Food Court, Salons A & B. At this session, the College’s Leadership Council will summarize all the feedback received and present an Action Plan for review by the college community. To support the College’s Leadership Council in the development of the Action Plan, a call will go out seeking volunteers for an employee engagement “tiger team”. Please watch myAlgonquin for additional details in the coming week.

Continuous feedback welcome
It is never too late to share your ideas and feedback. While we develop an online Employee Engagement Forum, everyone is welcome to share their ideas with their managers, via email at, or by posting a Comment in the section below.


  • Nick Says:

    Under the “Group 1: Communication” PDF, it was commented that we don’t have an open forum. What I don’t understand is what Yammer’s for then?

  • Nick Says:

    Open Town halls by the various VPs or directors would be nice too. Just because one works in Student Support doesn’t mean they aren’t able to be interested of contribute in other areas like HR, or Administration….

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