Survey Results – Feb 19, 2013

At the President’s Breakfast in August, President MacDonald outlined the College’s desire to build a more dynamic and supportive work environment; one that honours our core values and delivers on the commitments outlined in our Strategic Plan.
Employee Engagement Survey Report - PDF file.
Please click above to view the 2012 Algonquin College Employee Engagement Survey Results

To that end, the College conducted an Employee Engagement Survey in October 2012 for the purpose of providing the College Community with insight into the current status of our work environment. The survey covered areas such as mission and vision, corporate policies, leadership, professional development, and personal wellness.

The results confirm what we have long known: that our employees are exceptionally proud to work at Algonquin and deeply committed to the goal of student success. The survey also identifies areas for improvement and, as part of the College’s commitment to continuous improvement, this survey is the first step in a coordinated effort to make Algonquin an even better place to work and study.

Read the survey and share your ideas

Over the next few months, College leaders will host a series of information sessions to review the findings and seek your feedback of what areas should be the immediate focus for the year ahead. This feedback will be used to draft a detailed action plan for presentation to the College community before the end of May, 2013.

To share your thoughts privately, please forward any ideas you might have on improving employee engagement to


High employee engagement has been linked to increased job satisfaction, improved morale and lower levels of stress and stress related illness. The 2012 Employee Engagement Survey was compiled by Entec Corporation, a global leader in employee engagement, organizational health and employee emotional wellness. To ensure participants privacy, all individual responses have being kept strictly confidential by Entec.



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