Team Staff Award

This award is presented annually to a cross-functional, ad hoc Algonquin College employee team in recognition of excellence demonstrated through its work over the past year(s) on a specific project or activity.


An ad hoc team comprised of a cross-functional group of College employees formed to complete a specific task or objective. Examples include: “Ethical Upstander Training for Inclusion Leaders Team, “COVID Tiger Team”, “Employee Lifecycle Value Team”. Note: Intact College teams are not eligible for this award. Please note that self-nominations or own-team nominations will not be accepted.

Selection Criteria

  1. Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a team.
  2. Recognized as outstanding advocates for the College.
  3. Demonstrated outstanding innovation.
  4. Demonstrated significant contribution to success of the College.

The submission should include specific examples that describe how the nominee consistently meets the selection criteria in a way that is exemplary and/or above and beyond the call of duty.

We recommend you complete the submission in Word and cut and paste the final text into the form when you are ready to submit.

PLEASE NOTE: only nominations with one nomination submission and up to 2 letters of support will be considered. Please do not add or otherwise submit any additional documents to the nomination.

  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.