Part-time Support Staff Award

This award is presented annually to an Algonquin College part-time Support Staff in recognition of excellence.


Candidates must be a part-time member of the Support Staff of the College.

Selection Criteria

  1. Worked well with students / clients and colleagues.
  2. Promoted positive public relations in their front-line contacts.
  3. Contributed to the overall success of students / clients and colleagues in the greater College community.
  4. Recommended innovative ideas/plans to contribute to the effective operation of the department and demonstrated flexibility and commitment to the College.

The submission should include specific examples that describe how the nominee consistently meets the selection criteria in a way that is exemplary and/or above and beyond the call of duty.

We recommend you complete the submission in Word and cut and paste the final text into the form when you are ready to submit.

PLEASE NOTE: only nominations with one nomination submission and up to 2 letters of support will be considered. Please do not add or otherwise submit any additional documents to the nomination.

  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • 0 of 1200 max characters
    Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.