Laurent Isabelle Teaching Excellence Award

The Laurent Isabelle Teaching Excellence Award recognizes a faculty member who has consistently demonstrated excellence and innovation in teaching, has contributed to student success, and has fostered the professional growth of their colleagues. This award was created in honour of former Algonquin College president, Dr. Laurent Isabelle (1973-1982). This award carries with it a $500 monetary recognition, made available through a bursary established by Dr. Isabelle upon his retirement.


Candidates must be full-time faculty members of the College who have taught for at least two consecutive semesters prior to the nomination.

Selection Criteria

Nominees will have demonstrated outstanding performance, over the last three years, in the following areas:

Commitment to teaching:

  • excite students to learn and achieve
  • support student success through the use of a variety of innovative teaching methodologies.

Commitment to the community:

  • serve as a role model and mentor to their colleagues
  • lead and participate in college and community activities

Commitment to the wider community:

  • lead and participate in community activities that support and enhance College programs
  • serve the wider community in a volunteer capacity

The submission should include specific examples that describe how the nominee consistently meets the selection criteria in a way that is exemplary and/or above and beyond the call of duty.

We recommend you complete the submission in Word and cut and paste the final text into the form when you are ready to submit.

PLEASE NOTE: only nominations with one nomination submission and up to 2 letters of support from employees and 2 letters of support from students will be considered. Please do not add or otherwise submit any additional documents to the nomination

  • Provide solid examples to ensure clarity to the committee during the evaluation process in each award category.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.
  • Max. file size: 63 MB.