Everyone needs a washroom! All gender washrooms and inclusive signage are an important part of making our campus safe, accessible and welcoming.
The safety and comfort for trans and gender diverse people in gender segregated spaces is an ongoing issue. All of Algonquin College’s washrooms are safe spaces where anyone, regardless of gender identity or presentation can use the toilet, wash their hands and check the mirror. When we make our washrooms inclusive, we decrease anxiety and fear for trans and gender diverse people. For some trans people simply using the facilities causes fear of the chance of physical or verbal harassment or assault—a real and ongoing risk in gender segregated spaces.
You will see signage in all washrooms that Algonquin College respects everyone’s right to choose which washroom is appropriate for them.
All Gender Washrooms
All gender washrooms will be identified with the signage below, based on what specific facilities are in that space:

Ottawa Campus
There are several washrooms on the Ottawa campus that are considered all gender. Most of them also serve people with mobility issues and therefore have an accessibility logo on them. Others are labeled as “Family” washrooms. Alternatively, students may be able to negotiate a private change room or washroom with the department on a case-by-case basis; you would have to take this up with your Program Coordinator or Department Chair.
A Building – A132f (*NEW as of October 2, 2023*)
Located at the intersections of Màkwa/Bear and Mahìngan/Wolf, the “Four Corners” All-Inclusive Washroom Facilities have a number of accessible and inclusive features:
- Twelve separate all-gender washroom stalls
- Two accessible washrooms (equipped with infant change tables, space for large turning radius of mobility devices, adjusted height for improved accessibility, as well as grab bars, handrail and back rest).
- A universal washroom equipped with an adult lift & changing table. The inclusion of the adult lift in the universal washroom is a first of its kind on the Ottawa Campus, significantly enhancing accessibility standards.
- A dedicated nursing/lactation room.
In addition to the four corners facility, the College has expanded our commitment to inclusivity by adding a universal washroom in P Building with a complete renovation of washroom P109. Universal washroom, E127, was also renovated to Rick Hansen Foundation Gold accessibility levels.
Other Buildings that feature All-Gender facilities include:
- Building CA – (ACCE) – CA112,
- Building A – A101d, A108, A109a, A132g, A132h, A132i, A132j, A132k, A132m, A132n, A132o, A132p, A132q, A132s, A132t, A132v, A132w.
- Building C DARE District: C030, C106, C141o, C256, C357
- Building E Student Commons – E127
- Building F – F107
- Building K- K121
- Building P – P109
- Building V – V103
- Building X – X110a-e, X146a-f, X152a, X160a, X160b, X185, X242a-f
To access the most up-to-date maps of the campus, please visit the following link: https://www.algonquincollege.com/maps/ottawa-campus/
Pembroke Campus
There are single stall washrooms at the following locations on the Pembroke campus: Rooms 125, 207, 300, and 400.
Perth Campus
Perth campus has a single stall washroom in Room 105.
Security Services
Algonquin College Security Services is here to support the entire community. If you encounter concerning behaviour on campus or vandalism of signage, please dial “5010” from any campus phone.