2024 Workforce Diversity Data Infographic
All data as of April 3, 2024, as provided by employees in the ongoing equity census. 3,776 active employees were surveyed with a response rate of 78%. 2,957 employees responded to some or all of the questions. Categories with <5 responses were suppressed to ensure confidentiality.
2SLGBTQ+: a person who does not identify as cisgender and/or heterosexual (these may include but are not limited to people who identify as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, two-spirited, queer, trans-gender, gender fluid, nonbinary, etc.) The terminology used is not meant to label individuals but rather to be helpful functional descriptors. They are not standardized and may be used differently by different people and is deeply personal. Disability: Persons with Disabilities are persons who have a long-term or recurring physical, mental, sensory, psychiatric or learning impairment who, Francophone: a person who belongs to a population using French as its first or sometimes second language. In the OPSEU Academic Collective Agreement, Francophones are identified as an equity deserving group. Indigenous Peoples: Indigenous (Aboriginal) people are persons who are First Nations, Inuit or Métis, Status or Non-Status. Members of racialized minorities (visible minorities): means persons, other than Indigenous (Aboriginal) peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour. A person may be a member of a racialized (visible minority) group regardless of their place of birth or citizenship. Women: a designated group under the Employment Equity Act. The Act does not define the term ‘woman’ and neither do we.
Whistle Group Navigation Instructions: The below groupings of information are expandable and collapsible. Click each of the plus or minus buttons next to the headings of each expandable grouping to open or collapse the info boxes. A Snapshot of Diversity in Our Workforce
Gender Identities & Sexual Orientations in Our Workforce
Indigenous Identities in Our Workforce
Racial and Ethnic Composition of Employees
Types of Disability in Our Workforce
Relevant Definitions
a) consider themselves to be disadvantaged in employment because of that impairment, or b) believe that an employer or potential employer is likely to consider them to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment, and includes persons whose functional limitations owing to their impairment have been accommodated in their current job or workplace.