Inclusion Infusions: Seek First to Understand

Assumptions – most often incorrect – about others are the key source of misunderstanding, and worse, prejudice. It is the unspoken spaces that lead to our biased brain filling in false data based on assumptions about others. I can see this happening so clearly with the Black Lives Matter movement. The oft heard dismissal of this movement is that ‘All Lives Matter’ or ‘Blue Lives Matter’. But what is happening is the unsaid word and meaning here is being assumed. The unsaid word being placed in these rebuttals is that (only) Black Lives Matter. But that is not what is said, nor what it is intended to say. What is being said is that Black Lives Matter (too). Ah. Another unsaid word that is assumed to be understood. Because for Black Lives Matters activists, it is such a given that everyone should understand the systemic and overt racism that black communities and individuals experience.

Herein lies your challenge – Seek first to understand, then be understood as first penned by Steven Covey. Don’t allow your assumptions about what others mean, or what their movement stands for, without taking the time to understand others experiences, their intent, and their positionality in the world. There are so many places you can start learning and understanding the lived realities of our Black colleagues and students and community members. If you haven’t taken the time to read these blogs full of resources on the topics of Racism, perhaps now you have heard your call to action and now want to learn. Here they are for you again:

There is always more we can do. The Human Resources team is working on a number of additional virtual events, learning opportunities and discussion forums that will provide the college community with opportunities to discuss how racism can be combated within Canada, in our personal and professional lives and within our campuses. As dates are confirmed for these conversations and events, you will receive notice though this blog and on MYAC.


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