Inclusion Infusions: Practicing Positivity

As we are all undergoing change, so is our inclusion infusions blog. For the next few weeks I’ll be focusing on aspects of mental health and wellness.

This week I’m going to leverage the resources available to all AC employees via Not Myself Today on positivity. We are living in a time where we are facing high level of anxiety and isolation and the reality is that as humans we are hard-wired for negativity – our survival as a species depended on it. The good news is that practicing gratitude can increase our optimism, and can be amplified when we bring positivity to our social interactions. This three minute video on Practicing Positivity from the Canadian Mental Health Association has some great tips on positivity and gratitude:

Click here to download a ‘Kindness card’ (which you may recall from our kindness cookie campaign), and I challenge each of you to go on a mission of kindness and send at least one card to a colleague – and invite them to pay to forward.


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