Inclusion Infusions – Algonquin is Building our House for Diversity

#ICYMI Algonquin College has had quite a week for Inclusion and Diversity!

We have become the first College in Ontario to have a Equity Diversity and Inclusion Policy. You can read it here:

We have also become the first Post-Secondary Institution in Canada to accept the Institute for Canadian Citizenship’s #CelebrateCitizenshipChallenge. That is, we are providing all employees a paid day off to attend their citizenship ceremony. Many of you may have noticed yesterday that we were so proud to host a group of 33 New Canadians from 20 countries to join us on campus to participate in their citizenship ceremony. There were many moving moments during the event filled with pride, love and Joy, and a very Canadian sentiment from all about a disbelief in the amount of cold and snow here in Ottawa.

All of these important elements are underpinning the most important commitment made this week with the release of our first 3 year plan for equity and diversity, with AC’s Inclusion & Diversity Blueprint 2019-2022. This document outlines our vision for driving momentum with inclusion on campus, and the tactics we are going to take to continue progress on our journey.

“In Canada, our country aspires to equality and the protection of fundamental rights, building it into our own Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” said President Claude Brulé at yesterday’s announcement. “That belief in equality is also what we aspire to every day at Algonquin College. Not just because it is the law, but because it is the right thing to do.” Full article here.


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