Inclusion Infusions: So Much to Know…Here’s Where to Start

This week we have a guest blog from Sara Lehnen a Library Technician who you can find at the Pembroke Waterfront Campus Library.

When I first approached the topic of Inclusion and Diversity, my initial reaction was “wow, this just covers so much; I don’t even know where to start!” I think that a lot of people right now are in the same boat: we are hearing buzzwords and hot-button topics, we are watching events unfold online, hearing about them on the radio, and reading about them in the news, and there is a growing sense that we need to become active listeners, learners, and allies to those people who society has, and still is, marginalizing. We are hearing that it is no longer enough to stand by sympathetically but passively. But with so much information out there, “where do I start” can present a genuine stumbling block even to those with the best of intentions.

To that end, the Inclusion and Diversity Subject Guide: is meant to be a starting point for anyone, be they students, faculty, or staff, who has the goal of educating themselves or others on how to become better allies. It covers the broad categories of First Nations, Black, 2SLGBTQ+, Women, and People with Disabilities, under the umbrellas of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Racism. There are resources geared toward introspection and personal growth, on aspects of the history of various groups, as well as links to active organizations and government bodies. All of the resources included in the Guide are accessible directly via Algonquin College Libraries or the AC website, or are freely available online. If you have suggestions for resources that should be added to this list, please email Sara Lehnen at . The Library team is here to support all learners. To access our resources, supports and services, go to


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