Inclusion Infusions: Talking About Mental Health

Algonquin employees care about one another. I know because many of you have checked-in on me, and I know you have also been checking-in on one another. But do you know what to do when you are checking-in on the well being of a colleague or one of your employees and the conversation, email (or lack thereof) leaves you even more concerned? When we have the tools to talk openly about mental health and mental illness it goes a long way towards reducing stigma, and creating supportive and safe workplaces.

Here are some of the tools available for you to dig-in and learn more online in the Not Myself Today Module on ‘Let’s Get Talking’: not Access Code: ENULEM

  • Consider brushing up on how to use accurate and empathetic language about mental wellness and illness. Here’s a tip sheet on ‘language do’s and don’ts to use as a reference.
  • Watch this in-depth webinar on ‘Having Difficult Conversations’ which addresses principles for having respectful conversations about mental health and helps you understand some of the issues related to disclosure.
  • Perhaps you are experiencing a mental health condition, and are considering disclosing to your manager. The online portal has a resource for you on Navigating Disclosure.

If you have a specific situation, concern or arising issue, you may want more personalized support. Did you know you can call our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to receive personal guidance and advice on having conversations about mental wellness for yourself or those around you including colleagues and direct reports? Check out our EAP website for all the details and contact information:

Keep well and keep in touch!


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