Inclusion Infusions – International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Here are some quick facts on The Business Case to Build Physically Accessible Environments, from a 2018 report by the Conference Board of Canada:

  • The number of Canadians living with a physical disability that impairs their mobility, vision, or hearing, will rise from 2.9 million to 3.6 million over the next 13 years, nearly double the pace of the population as a whole.
  • Improvements to workplace access would allow 550,000 Canadians with disabilities to work more, increasing GDP by $16.8 billion by 2030.
  • The increase in labour availability would lift the income of people with disabilities by more than $13.5 billion.

Just as compelling is research from the Mental Health Commission of Canada on the cost and benefits of recruiting and retaining people living with mental illness, which found that:

  • Mental health problems and illnesses are the leading causes of disability in Canada, affecting almost seven million working age adults.
  • Mental illness costs Canadian employers over $20 billion annually due to losses related to turnover, absenteeism, and presenteeism.

Next Tuesday, December 3rd is the International the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). The theme for this 2019 IDPD is ‘Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda’. The theme focuses on the empowerment of persons with disabilities for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development as envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which pledges to ‘leave no one behind’ and recognizes disability as a cross-cutting issues, to be considered in the implementation of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Here at Algonquin College, we will be recognizing the day by inviting the Propeller Dance Company to perform an original piece to help us increase public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disabilities and celebrate their achievements and contributions. Propeller Dance Company is based in Ottawa whose members experience all abilities. The company’s creations provide a distinctive artistry; crowds are moved, perceptions are changed, people are entertained. Please join us from 1-2pm in the ACCE lobby to watch this inspiring performance.


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